Saturday, April 30, 2011

Hollywood Bowl!

I will report when i get back! :D

I'm back! ; D
I've never been to Hollywood Bowl or a real concert my entire life so far :/ From the very first time I saw it on t.v. I've always wanted to go and see the Korean performers. Finally crossed one thing off my bucket list! I will provide visual images soon. I just came home @ 1:11 xP , but I wanted to write :)...somewhat. Ha ha. I went to appreciate the performers, the songs, the coexistence of two countries through the single 'language' of music. SO! dressing up wasn't really in my checklist ; ) But I guess some girls thought they could like look hot and catch the eyes of the decent U-Kiss group by caking makeup and wearing 10 in. heels xD. Hmm OH WELL I guess I missed the 'hooker' memo. Ah! btw two rows up front from where I was sitting were these drunk girls who yelled "OPPAAA!" (Something I ALWAYS saw on t.v. where fanatic fans yelled  for their desired male singers...Now I finally heard it in real life!) Ha ha I know it's pointless...but remember I've always seen Hollywood Bowl on t.v. and never been to a concert! >:)
AH! I HAVE TO INCLUDE THIS IN! There were awesome fireworks in the end, but at the last minute or so a bit of wind picked up. So when finally everything was over and the audience was walking out, a palm tree was on FIRE! :O Just as quickly it was catching on fire, the firefighters came :)
Woohoo! Signing off here, gotta wash up. Hope everyone had a good saturday and a fun time for those who went to Hollywood Bowl 2011 as well!!!!! 

Friday, April 8, 2011

it's fashion, not just clothesss

I wore the cutest outfit (very American Eagle inspired) with this hairstyle. I remember last year was when I went through a revolution of hairstyles. Not so much now. It's either long and loose or slicked up into a bun. Boring. It's awkward writing a blog for what was suppose to be yesterday's I'll keep it short (in terms of getting into it). Speaking of short, I plan to cut my hair :O Not a shocker, I literally am a hair chameleon. So I'm able to post a pic of my hairstyle, but not my outfit : / It's yes, dare I say the term...complicated. If you will, it's illustratively explained from my post, I Love You . I'm currently thinking of more efficient ways to display my outfit of the day? Anywhoooo, it's fashion, not just clothes! ; )