It sucks that midgets are taking over the world.
It sucks that the losers are deemed winners.
It stinks that your loved ones started to not care for you.
My heart can be broken - it's mending as we speak of it...why hurt me now?
How can your frkn *5#@! go to }[{ when you had me here with open arms and an open heart?
Ugh. I just got out of it, i'm angry.
Can anyone help me? I am lost and lonely.
Before I am 3497234hfd8fh I am me. Before you are the 234u2394defa asdj93f, you are you.
I had viewed it as that.
I guess I go unnoticed and waste away..because of FUCKING YOU.
A mere digital picture does not do justice, but you are only human, you only see.
Piece of shit - you only see. Have you forgotten your other 4 senses?
I am towered by my 12 successor.
Daul Kim, you seem so friendly right now.
Why hadn't God given us the chances to buoy one another...
I wither away and plump* away. I wish it was opposite.
Daul Kim, why don't you answer?
Can I join you?
I am lethargic right now...bleh.
I am dying right now...hmm.
I am aching right now. OBVI.
Fuck you. And you, midget.
Calm the shit down. What was up with you?
I did it and it took just so long - you are the guy.
Freakn' even if you aren't one act like you are using that title.
I am tiring right now...Good night 'till 5:00 A.M.