Monday, November 7, 2011
Hate it when people change for the worse.
Just because I am applying to art schools, doesn't make me "less valuable" from those applying to private schools that aren't art schools. fyl's. FUCK YOUR LIVES.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Why can't a girl pursue her dreams?
I get so much support
Only to be let down in the end.
To put it into other words...false encouragement.
Dear sister, where do you stand?
I open my room to you
Only then to hear you say that my dreams are inconsiderate.
It stings me to think that when our parents said the same thing,
You were there to support me.
I get so much support
Only to be let down in the end.
To put it into other words...false encouragement.
I know i must overcome obstacles..
It's just tiring to know that the supporters I thought I once had
Dwindle away.
Only to be let down in the end.
To put it into other words...false encouragement.
Dear sister, where do you stand?
I open my room to you
Only then to hear you say that my dreams are inconsiderate.
It stings me to think that when our parents said the same thing,
You were there to support me.
I get so much support
Only to be let down in the end.
To put it into other words...false encouragement.
I know i must overcome obstacles..
It's just tiring to know that the supporters I thought I once had
Dwindle away.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Fish with prosthetic wings??
I don't think so. You can't force a fish to fly - it just doesn't make sense.
Is it wrong to do your best in what you really want to do? absolutely not.
Then why is it that my loving parents are keeping me from doing so. I'm receiving waaay too much love from them I guess...
Is it wrong to do your best in what you really want to do? absolutely not.
Then why is it that my loving parents are keeping me from doing so. I'm receiving waaay too much love from them I guess...
Friday, September 23, 2011
Say hi what the heck.
It sucks that midgets are taking over the world.
It sucks that the losers are deemed winners.
It stinks that your loved ones started to not care for you.
My heart can be broken - it's mending as we speak of it...why hurt me now?
How can your frkn *5#@! go to }[{ when you had me here with open arms and an open heart?
Ugh. I just got out of it, i'm angry.
Can anyone help me? I am lost and lonely.
Before I am 3497234hfd8fh I am me. Before you are the 234u2394defa asdj93f, you are you.
I had viewed it as that.
I guess I go unnoticed and waste away..because of FUCKING YOU.
A mere digital picture does not do justice, but you are only human, you only see.
Piece of shit - you only see. Have you forgotten your other 4 senses?
I am towered by my 12 successor.
Daul Kim, you seem so friendly right now.
Why hadn't God given us the chances to buoy one another...
I wither away and plump* away. I wish it was opposite.
Daul Kim, why don't you answer?
Can I join you?
I am lethargic right now...bleh.
I am dying right now...hmm.
I am aching right now. OBVI.
Fuck you. And you, midget.
Calm the shit down. What was up with you?
I did it and it took just so long - you are the guy.
Freakn' even if you aren't one act like you are using that title.
I am tiring right now...Good night 'till 5:00 A.M.
It sucks that the losers are deemed winners.
It stinks that your loved ones started to not care for you.
My heart can be broken - it's mending as we speak of it...why hurt me now?
How can your frkn *5#@! go to }[{ when you had me here with open arms and an open heart?
Ugh. I just got out of it, i'm angry.
Can anyone help me? I am lost and lonely.
Before I am 3497234hfd8fh I am me. Before you are the 234u2394defa asdj93f, you are you.
I had viewed it as that.
I guess I go unnoticed and waste away..because of FUCKING YOU.
A mere digital picture does not do justice, but you are only human, you only see.
Piece of shit - you only see. Have you forgotten your other 4 senses?
I am towered by my 12 successor.
Daul Kim, you seem so friendly right now.
Why hadn't God given us the chances to buoy one another...
I wither away and plump* away. I wish it was opposite.
Daul Kim, why don't you answer?
Can I join you?
I am lethargic right now...bleh.
I am dying right now...hmm.
I am aching right now. OBVI.
Fuck you. And you, midget.
Calm the shit down. What was up with you?
I did it and it took just so long - you are the guy.
Freakn' even if you aren't one act like you are using that title.
I am tiring right now...Good night 'till 5:00 A.M.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
say hi to hardships
You know that you've cried a shit crap load when you're best water proof mascara came off.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Is inevitable - good or bad, it all depends on how one views the term as.
Speaking of's a comparison to my once long hair!
Whoooo! You can't see the style since it's "quaffed" back at that moment lol - my cut is Jessica Alba's lob. It was between her cut and Emma Watson's a la Emma Watson 2010 MET Ball. The one thought that came across my mind when my hair was chopped off...
I won't be able to cover up my pitters anymore :( !
Speaking of's a comparison to my once long hair!
I won't be able to cover up my pitters anymore :( !
Monday, August 8, 2011
a lovely sunday shift key doesn't work - that's going to bother me. my 'a' key doesn't work as well. i have to copy and paste it. blah.
this post will sure seem limited to concise sentences.
i saw a very close friend of mine today - she just came back from a two week mission trip. we were only able to talk for a few minutes, but as always, our convos bring me fond memories. in our convo, she mentioned that i looked different. i looked more mature and my face got skinnier. OKaY, about my face getting skinner, THaT I NEED TO RELUCTaNTLY DISaGREE TO (eh i didn't have a shift key so i gave caps a try lol). hey, if my face looks skinner than kudos to me lol. but the sad thing is i didn't exercise and work for it. boohoo.
i'm going to continue this post later
Yay, I'm on my computer (before I was on my laptop) - now I can type comfortably.
So my friend also mentioned that I looked mature. Now I know most people around my age wish to hear that and they even put in effort to hear such a thing. Call me weird, but I don't know how to react when I hear that comment. I like the term "mature" - it fits my personality. But doesn't that term indirectly & unintentionally imply that I look old -_-. lol. What are you're thoughts...who ever?
This post is continued from yesterday, so that means I don't have my long hair anymore! :O
Yes...I cut it.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Okay just putting this out there...
I shared with him my dream...
He told me it'll never happen.
My mind took in what he said,
But my heart said FUCK YOU.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Hollywood Bowl!
I will report when i get back! :D
AH! I HAVE TO INCLUDE THIS IN! There were awesome fireworks in the end, but at the last minute or so a bit of wind picked up. So when finally everything was over and the audience was walking out, a palm tree was on FIRE! :O Just as quickly it was catching on fire, the firefighters came :)
Woohoo! Signing off here, gotta wash up. Hope everyone had a good saturday and a fun time for those who went to Hollywood Bowl 2011 as well!!!!!
I'm back! ; D
I've never been to Hollywood Bowl or a real concert my entire life so far :/ From the very first time I saw it on t.v. I've always wanted to go and see the Korean performers. Finally crossed one thing off my bucket list! I will provide visual images soon. I just came home @ 1:11 xP , but I wanted to write :)...somewhat. Ha ha. I went to appreciate the performers, the songs, the coexistence of two countries through the single 'language' of music. SO! dressing up wasn't really in my checklist ; ) But I guess some girls thought they could like look hot and catch the eyes of the decent U-Kiss group by caking makeup and wearing 10 in. heels xD. Hmm OH WELL I guess I missed the 'hooker' memo. Ah! btw two rows up front from where I was sitting were these drunk girls who yelled "OPPAAA!" (Something I ALWAYS saw on t.v. where fanatic fans yelled for their desired male singers...Now I finally heard it in real life!) Ha ha I know it's pointless...but remember I've always seen Hollywood Bowl on t.v. and never been to a concert! >:)AH! I HAVE TO INCLUDE THIS IN! There were awesome fireworks in the end, but at the last minute or so a bit of wind picked up. So when finally everything was over and the audience was walking out, a palm tree was on FIRE! :O Just as quickly it was catching on fire, the firefighters came :)
Woohoo! Signing off here, gotta wash up. Hope everyone had a good saturday and a fun time for those who went to Hollywood Bowl 2011 as well!!!!!
Friday, April 8, 2011
it's fashion, not just clothesss
I wore the cutest outfit (very American Eagle inspired) with this hairstyle. I remember last year was when I went through a revolution of hairstyles. Not so much now. It's either long and loose or slicked up into a bun. Boring. It's awkward writing a blog for what was suppose to be yesterday's I'll keep it short (in terms of getting into it). Speaking of short, I plan to cut my hair :O Not a shocker, I literally am a hair chameleon. So I'm able to post a pic of my hairstyle, but not my outfit : / It's yes, dare I say the term...complicated. If you will, it's illustratively explained from my post, I Love You . I'm currently thinking of more efficient ways to display my outfit of the day? Anywhoooo, it's fashion, not just clothes! ; )
Monday, March 28, 2011
I Love You
Will you get me when I say I love you?
(Shirt made in Korea, can't get cuter stuff than there)
Here's another question...will you get me when I say I have so much to show you, but don't have the help to?
At least what I can say with this post, it's a t-shirt dress I'm wearing with blue snakeskin inspired, metallic leggings.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011 a way ; ]
'"Rococo" is Portraits of People in Pastoral Places' Repetition does get things in your head...the time century my class is going over in Humanities. As I was writing this post, the pastel color of the cardigan reminded me of that repetition. Weather is definitely not in favor of such attire, it's been freezing lately for me at least...ha ha. This was from last week ),: But I loved the outfit so I had to put it up. (I'm definitely going to be more consistent! >: )
For shoes, I wore flats with magenta fabric. I would now like to say that my outfit would've looked better in skinnier jeans with the shoes. Stay warm if it's freezing! Or vice versa.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Japan 3/11/11
It's sad that I had to find out the news from other people. I realized how oblivious and ignorant I am of current events at times. Therefore, I'll attach links below - article, pictures, video. People live in many different places-cities, states, countries...and have different dialect, culture/traditions, way of living, etc. BUT we are people living in ONE WORLD. Help out one another when needed - spread the word. Japan stay strong.
*(Video montage from CNN and story below)
*(News Report from Yahoo - If you want the summary from a reporter)
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Gisele Bundchen for H&M Spring 2011 Campaign by Daniel Jackson
What's up at H&M for Spring 2011! From my last post for example, I've been seeking comfort lately and these just fit the bill! Two of my likable subjects in this post: model, Gisele Bündchen and these outfits. Wish everyone a stylish and beautiful spring.
Images from: fashiongonerogue
Friday, March 4, 2011
" 'Their Passion Was So Intense' "
These leggings are so fun - when I get bored in class, I can just read my legs xD
They actually have quotations, articles, stories, style tips, etc. on it! Haha I probably look crazy when reading, but it's not long when people take notice and try to read it as well lol. I've been wearing jeans for the longest time EVER. I wanted to be comfortable, so this whole week until today, I wore sweats or leggings. <--- I absolutely love them, but okay if you wear some sweats, your underwear line shows and sabes que you can't always wear a dang thong right? Or a long shirt. So with this outfit, I just wanted to be COMFORTABLE. I wore a long baggy shirt and a sleeveless vest....and for shoes? Slippers ;) I wasn't even trying to coordinate, it was just instinct and based on function = comfort <3. As my mom always told me, "don't try to hard, be natural." That's when you look effortless. Wish everyone a good day and hey, make it a comfy one if you like :)
They actually have quotations, articles, stories, style tips, etc. on it! Haha I probably look crazy when reading, but it's not long when people take notice and try to read it as well lol. I've been wearing jeans for the longest time EVER. I wanted to be comfortable, so this whole week until today, I wore sweats or leggings. <--- I absolutely love them, but okay if you wear some sweats, your underwear line shows and sabes que you can't always wear a dang thong right? Or a long shirt. So with this outfit, I just wanted to be COMFORTABLE. I wore a long baggy shirt and a sleeveless vest....and for shoes? Slippers ;) I wasn't even trying to coordinate, it was just instinct and based on function = comfort <3. As my mom always told me, "don't try to hard, be natural." That's when you look effortless. Wish everyone a good day and hey, make it a comfy one if you like :)
Sunday, February 27, 2011
My mother always tell me that a women needs to keep her hands and feet warm. To not get sick, (ladies you can always show 'em cleavage later ha) must cover up your chest! This hooded scarf w/ pockets was perfect in keeping my hands and head warm (thank the lord I also have long hair...every time I move my hair to one side I realize the cold breeze under my chin that my hair was shielding xD
Simple and low key - you can never go wrong with that! So for shoes, I wore black converse ;) I wonder how everyone else is coping with cold weather? :)
Simple and low key - you can never go wrong with that! So for shoes, I wore black converse ;) I wonder how everyone else is coping with cold weather? :)
Friday, February 18, 2011
Oh Yesterday...
Cold and windy, but the sun still out - this leather jacket was perfect for shielding that wind yesterday. I get cold really easily so this thick flannel still kept me warm when the jacket got too hot during classes. For that extra layer of warmth, a simple white graphic tee :)
I wore a white shirt underneath as a "canvas" you may say - show the plaid print and on top of plaid, a solid leather jacket. The jeans are dark wash so the tops would pop out more ; )
Stay warm and stylish~
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
♫ The colors of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by
I see friends shaking hands, saying, "how do you do?"
They're really saying, "I love you"♫
Louis Armstrong, you are a true musician. I decided to search Mr. Armstrong on youtube...and all I can say is, just put yourself in a calm mood, and look at the lyrics as you hear his rich voice singing it ~ What a wonderful world - a world that has many dark, and scary things, but the opportunity when we have the chance to simply say "how do you do?"
Thursday, February 10, 2011
say hi to a job well done

Tonight was the awards ceremony for the Academic Decathlon Competition**( Academic Decathlon is a team competition wherein students match their intellects with students from other schools. Students are tested in 10 categories: Art, Economics, Essay, Interview, Language and Literature, Mathematics, Music, Science, Social Science, and Speech.) I am happy to say that I meddled in Speech (a speech made by us) and 1st place with our team in 2nd division! Yes.. I am a bit of a nerd ^.^ ha ha. No more studying for "Acadec" this year :) but honestly, learning 10 subjects when you already have your core subjects at school and electives... it wasn't easy. I feel proud for getting through studies and obstacles and accomplished to say hi to a job well done. So just remember, to do nothing but your utmost with a positive attitude, because when you do your best you'll always gain something beneficial, BUT if you don't, well this is where the positive attitude comes in. With positive attitude, even if you didn't get SOMETHING, you are to be content knowing yourself and knowing it was whatever that you did, it was the best of you.
You weren't to come in jeans, sneakers, casual t-shirts, etc. but it wasn't too formal. So I wore a black blazer, and underneath a dressy black t-shirt dress ( I rolled the sleeves of the blazer up and then the sleeves of the shirt, simple black leggings, and white 1in. heels.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
new year
I received a lovely card that read -we are given hardships because there is a purpose and because we can endure them- Therefore all we can do is to stray strong and grow.
It's a new year - clean slate and opportunities to overcome limitations. Wish everyone a good 2011.
W/ love, Utmost Three
It's a new year - clean slate and opportunities to overcome limitations. Wish everyone a good 2011.
W/ love, Utmost Three
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